Friends Supporting the Anglican Diocese of Belize, Inc. Scholarship Fund

FSADB Inc., ensures the sustainability of “Helping a Nation with Education” sponsored scholarship program. To date, over 45 students pursuing high school educational opportunities were awarded full scholarships. All scholarships are needs-based. Our goal is to continue the financial support of high school students, thereby reducing High School drop-out rate; promote access to education and higher learning. Our purpose driven efforts have successfully helped students, of single parents, who faced financial hardships meeting the high cost of a secondary education; and allowed the opportunity for greater learning or securing meaningful employment.
The cost of the scholarship per student over the 4 years of high school is estimated at $4,000.00 USD or $1,000.00 USD per year.
The scholarship recipients must maintain at least a C+ GPA to continue to receive the annual scholarship. The grade report cards are mailed from their respective high schools to FSADB each semester.
To use Adam Braun’s words from his book The Promise of a Pencil; “Education is a complex issue, which requires a complex set of solutions. There is no silver-bullet answer to educating the children of the world, but the global education crisis remains the single most and important human rights issue of our time. A collective effort is required, and we each have a unique role to play.” Folks, it is our collective effort to make a difference … so join us!
We know knowledge is power, so let us help the next generation thrive by encouraging and motivating each child to learn and to grow intellectually. High school is the road to adulthood and students provided with opportunities will learn how to become productive citizens. Students will have access to a learning environment that will stimulate and nurture their physical, intellectual, creative, emotional, social, and moral development. These young adults will learn social and communication skills and teamwork which will help to ensure their future employment ability.
It is the mission of this scholarship fund to provide the nurturing and developmental qualities to build self-confidence which is the educational road map into the future.
Click here to download our Scholarship Fund Contribution Form.
Send donations to:
925A East 215 Street
Bronx, New York 10469